EGR Removal

What is EGR
Exhaust Gas Recirculation is an emissions related device targeted at reducing NOx created by the combustion process.
EGR works by diverting a portion of exhaust gases back into the intake to be burnt again. The introduction of recirculated exhaust gas displaces oxygen that would otherwise end up in the combustion chamber. NOx is created when there is excess oxygen in the combustion chamber which is more prevalent in Diesel vehicles as they almost ways operate leaner than stoichiometric AFR (The idea air fuel ratio to burn all available oxygen in the cylinder)
The Issue
While NOx emissions are reduced by recirculating exhaust gases, you are also recirculating everything else that would otherwise exit the exhaust. This is particularly a problem with diesel engines as they output a fait amount of soot and carbon particles pre DPF which is where the EGR takes place. What this means is overtime carbon will build up inside your intake manifold to the point where it starts to cause issues such as
- Overheating
- Idle issues
- Check engine lights
- Stalling
This is due to that carbon/oil build up restricting airflow. Because of this a common modification to diesel vehicles is a EGR block off plate. We offer a better solution that most block off plates struggle with (more on that in the next section)
The Solution
The solution to this is simple, we have the tools and tuning knowledge necessary to edit the factory tune in your vehicle’s ECU. I mentioned earlier that this was better than EGR Blanking plates, and I’ll explain that now. Blanking plates that we’ve seen come into our shop sometimes have a hole in the middle, this is so the ECU doesn’t throw any check engine lights.
But with a hole in the middle, it defeats the purpose of blanking the EGR; other solutions involving bridge plugs and other hardware and be visibly seen and, so by editing the factory tune, everything will look factory, there are no extra pieces of hardware/blanking plates. No check engine lights will arise regarding EGR fault codes. We simply retune the vehicle into not opening the valve that allows air to flow from the exhaust back to the intake.
This is a very common modification when it comes to diesel engines and is almost always paired with a catch can. The two combined eliminate any oil/carbon that could be built up that comes from the crankcase ventilation, and EGR, in turn, increases the reliability of your vehicle.
4 benefits of EGR removal:
- By eliminating the valve, you can increase your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. This is because you will burn cleaner fuel without recirculating dirty exhaust gas into the system.
- An EGR removal, including the valve, can reduce the risk of diesel particulate filter failure, improving fuel efficiency by up to 20%.
- An EGR removal is affordable and can be a worthwhile modification for your vehicle. Typically, these kits are reasonably priced and often come bundled with DPF delete kits. By removing the EGR valve, you can noticeably improve your vehicle’s efficiency without spending too much money.
- EGR removal boosts engine lifespan by limiting soot deposits caused by recirculating exhaust gas. This gas usually accelerates engine part wear, but with EGR removal, the gas doesn’t recirculate, reducing the wear and tear on the engine parts.
To add a bit of extra info, we keep seeing online, EGR removal will not increase performance by any substantial amount. People claiming you will gain 5hp are incorrect. Power figures do vary slightly from run to run, and a 5hp difference could just be a dyno error. EGR is also usually only open when the car is idle or when cruising at low loads. Because it’s shut at full throttle or heavier load regions, disabling it shouldn’t increase performance.
If you’re looking for a solution to reduce carbon buildup in your diesel engine, then EGR removal may be the answer.
Please reach out to us today to learn more about EGR removal and how it can benefit your vehicle.